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Thua Art

Branding & Art Direction

I transform brands that sell through the power of Emotional Branding ®

Templates Canva

With Aesthetics Archetypes you will have editable Templates in the free version of Canva, developed based on Emotional Branding®

Access 170 different pages of editable templates and the archetype brandbook with synesthesia, biophilia, subtypes and verbal branding. There are no classes in this product, only in Archetypes without Stereotypes.

Discover your Archetypes

With Archetypes without Stereotypes you will discover the Subtypes that each archetype can have, and learn how to use them in your brand.

Classes on how to curate, design, subtypes, style and core motivations. Also access templates and exclusive image curation.

Visual Identity

We develop the archetypal visual identity for your Instagram, facilitating your content creation.

We create the color palette + Typography + Curation + Brand Manual based on your archetypes and your niche. Everything customized for you.

Art Direction

We align all of your brand's aesthetics, so that there is no noise in your visual communication.

You will have access to a brandbook with information on style + fabrics + synesthesia + photography + scenarios + verbal branding + biophilia, all aligned with the emotional aspect of your brand.

Audacious Mentoring

Learn about brand aesthetics: architecture, design, photography & fashion applying the concepts of Emotional Branding®.

With this methodology, you can apply it to your brand or that of your clients, uniting all aesthetics so that there is no noise in visual communication.


Conheça algumas marcas personalizadas que desenvolvemos com o método do Branding Emocional®


Lectures and Classes

I can address topics such as: Synesthesia, Biophilia, Style, Architecture, Photography, Design and Brands, all applying the concepts of Archetypes.

Para aulas em mentorias, cursos, workshops ou palestras, entrar em contato pelo email ou pelo botão abaixo.

Free classes
on Youtube

Click on the link below and watch the free classes available on YouTube.


Thua Mentor

Thuane Amaral

Specialist in Art Direction with an emphasis on Emotional Design® , Thuane Amaral has a degree in Architecture, Design and Fashion and over 15 years of experience in creations . Today she helps personal and corporate brands to develop a unique aesthetic by applying the concepts of Emotional Branding®.

CEO of the company +55 Arquitetura e Engenharia, where they work on projects in the states of Santa Catarina and São Paulo. Today the company has more than 92 thousand square meters between public and private works.

Training in Architecture, Design & Fashion

Creator of the Emotional Branding Method ®

+15 years of experience in creations


Chat with
the team

For questions and quotes, click on the link below to talk to our team and understand more about your brand.

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