Archetype Feed
Instagram feeds for you to develop your art in a much faster and more dynamic way.
With the aesthetics of this pack, you will have the freedom to post according to your needs, without having to stick to the famous "little row, checkerboard feed".
The aesthetics are different.
Clean Feed has a light aesthetic, while Basic and Premium feeds have darker aesthetics. All templates are different from each other.
45 Portrait Feed Templates
05 Infinite Carousel Templates (25 pages)
22 Notification Templates.
Bonus access to inspirational images that I add to the folders weekly, for you to change in your posts according to your niche and the theme of your post.
There are 92 pages that are completely different from each other for you to edit and publish.
73 Feed Templates
30 Story Templates
30 Reels and IGTV Templates
05 Infinite Carousel Templates (25 pages)
05 Simple Carousel Templates (25 pages)
30 Featured Templates
22 Notification Templates
Bonus access to inspirational images that I add to the folders weekly, for you to change in your posts according to your niche and the theme of your post.
There are 235 completely different pages for you to edit and publish.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Basic and Premium?
The Feed templates are different in both packs, with the only templates that are the same in both packs being the infinite carousel and notifications. If you want to buy both versions, you will have different feeds with the same aesthetics.
I only have the free Canva, can I use the templates?
Yes, we do not use any elements from the pro version in the templates. Even if you have the free version, you can easily use it.
Can I buy two templates to have my archetype duo?
Yes, you can. All templates in the Basic and Premium versions have a minimalist and low-exposure aesthetic, so you can easily combine two archetypes in your branding.
I liked the feed, but my niche is different.
In this version, we have curated images for women who work on social media, that is, images that refer to work environments, books, notebooks, cell phones, businesswomen, etc. For specific niches, we recommend the exclusive feed, where we work on curating images exactly for your audience, in addition to other image definitions that are only in the Efígie package.
Can I include photos of myself?
Of course. The templates are fully editable. You can include your own photos, change the color palette, typography, elements, everything.
I don't like low exposure , can I change it?
Yes. You can easily change the brightness of the images, so they will be in the light version and not dark as in the templates. In addition, of course, you will have access to my archetypal image bank. You can change everything in the templates.
Discover other works
Aesthetics Archetypes
Templates editáveis na versão gratuita do Canva, desenvolvidos com base no Branding Emocional®
Acesse 170 páginas diferentes de templates editáveis e o brandbook dos arquétipos com sinestesia, biofilia, subtipos e branding verbal. Neste produto não há aulas, apenas no Arquétipos sem Estereótipos.
IMPORTANT: Making the work available to third parties or selling it may result in legal damages.